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Free shipping across Canada on orders of $100 or more, including most of the products found in our Orthex Posture Cushions & Beds collection.
Orthex is a Canadian company specializing in sleep posture. Orthex designs aesthetic and effective products that help to relax and sleep soundly. Orthex posture cushions and pillows help alleviate many problems originating from sleep position.
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Orthex has been closely related to the medical field since 2008, making it the leading manufacturer of orthopedic memory foam cushions in Canada. In order to ensure the most accurate designs, the Orthex team consists of several health professionals: occupational therapist, osteopath, physiotherapist, chiropractor, and doctor. Orthex products are specifically designed to improve posture during sleep, as well as, provide good back support, cervical, lumbar, and knee comfort, better digestion, respiration and blood circulation, and enhanced relaxation.
Free shipping across Canada on orders of $100 or more, including most of the products found in our Orthex Posture Cushions & Beds collection.